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Hotend Throat

Hotend Throat is a path way throat for filament load into the hot area smoothly. Nozzle and throat have to be locked together, if not filament will leak from the gap of the throat and nozzle.

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                  Throat E3D V6 Threaded 22mm long


                  Throat MK8 All Threaded 26mm - 50mm long


                  Throat MK8 smooth 26mm long


                  Throat E3D Multi-Colour / Kraken M6 X 23mm long


                  Throat MK8 Threaded 26.5mm long


                  Throat E3D V6 Threaded 26mm long


                  Throat MK10 M7 X 26mm long


                  Throat MK8 Threaded with NUT M6 X 30mm long


                  Ender3 S1 Spirit TC4 Throat Copper Plated Nickle Plated CuCrZr Nozzle 300C Print Head Kit


                  Throat for Creality CR10 Smooth 27mm long


                  Flying Bear Ghost 5/6 Titanium Red Copper Throat with M6 Thread 23x7mm


                  MK8 Official TC4 Copper Plated Nickel Plated CuCrZr M6x26mm Throat


                  Prusa Mini All Metal Throat TC4 Titanium Alloy


                  CR10 Titanium Alloy Copper Throat with M6 Thread


                  Ender3 CR10 Titanium Alloy Bi-Metal Throat 175MM


                  CR10 Titanium Alloy Copper Pipe and Throat M6


                  E3D V6 Titanium Alloy Red Copper Throat Tube 175mm M6


                  E3D V6 Titanium Alloy Red Copper Throat Wear Resistant High Temp Resistant


                  CR10 Bi-metal Titanium Copper Plated Nickel Plated Throat M6 27.5mm


                  Throat for E3D V6 Bimetallic 22mm long


                  Throat for Ultimaker Threated M5 X 20mm long


                  Throat Titanium Alloy TC4 for Creality CR10 1.75mm

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